Florida Faces

By Don Gialanella. I have long been intrigued with Andy Warhol’s film experiments and wanted to produce a film inspired by his unique style. So, I applied for a St. Pete Art Alliance grant with the idea of creating a video that would document the people of St. Pete based on the series of short, silent, black-and-white film portraits by Andy Warhol called Screen Tests… Read More

SHINE Unity Project Reaches New Neighborhoods

By Gabrielle Reeder. Tracey Rtist Jones, Brain Storm, Reda3sb and iBOMS were selected for the St. Pete Arts Alliance’s SHINE Unity project, and got the opportunity to explain what unity means to them through murals – in neighborhoods outside the downtown art districts. … Read More

Exploring Faith in the Caribbean Through Art

By Letisia Cruz. My project titled Rituales: An Exploration of Faith in the Caribbean explores the practice of rituals inherited through cultural mythology and spiritual beliefs, drawing inspiration from religious practices rooted in indigenous and Afro-Caribbean origins. The series
celebrates the diversity of religious and spiritual practices across the region…. Read More

Artists Share the Experience of Figure Drawing

By Laura Castro. Art making is generally thought of as a solitary experience. Picture the lone artist holed up in their studio for hours, only emerging once the work is complete. A local remedy to that isolation can be found at the Figure Drawing Workshops happening every Saturday at the Morean Arts Center, where live models pose for a group…. Read More

Exploring Jason Hackenwerth’s Work

By Tony Wong Palms. While Jason Hackenwerth’s sculptures and paintings in the Creative Pinellas Gallery seem like two separate entities, the paintings are compositions that create a landscape for the balloon sculptures – an enveloping experience…. Read More

Accomplished Artists in Dialogue About Important Subjects.

By Robin O’Dell. This exhibition is a must-see for anyone interested in photography, and everyone who wants to see accomplished artists in dialogue about important subjects. This work matters. And in my opinion, Dawoud Bey’s giant dark photographs of places in Ohio thought to be locations on the Underground Railroad make it worth coming to this exhibition – because no image in a book or screen could ever compare to the subtle visceral beauty of these prints…. Read More

Robyn Crosa’s Artist Talk is Online

By Robyn Crosa. Visual artist Robyn Crosa gave an Artist Talk earlier this month at the Largo Public Library, to talk about her Gourdgeous Goddess Gals exhibit, on display at the library through July 29. You can see a video of her talk here, along with a Spanish interpreter. During the presentation she also sings the traditional song, “Follow the Drinking Gourd” and reads a children’s book based on the song…. Read More

Rodin at The Polk Museum

By Kurt Loft. The famed French sculptor Rodin, who created the iconic “The Thinker,” takes center stage through the end of October at the Polk Museum of Art at Florida Southern College in Lakeland. The free exhibition, Rodin: Contemplation and Dreams, includes 40 works from the acclaimed B. Gerald Cantor Collections. It marks the largest installation of sculptures in the museum’s history…. Read More

Celeste Davis Shares Her Vision

By Jake-ann Jones. Celeste Davis became executive director of Tampa Bay Businesses for Culture and the Arts (TBBCA) in February of 2021, bringing decades of professional design experience along with an insightful curatorial eye. She points to the growing appreciation of both established and contemporary Black artists and their work coming to area museums as “a natural experience for curators, for visitors, for everyone to think more broadly, more diversely, more inclusively…. Read More

Lifting Nonprofits and Showcasing Local Artists

By Laura Kepner. “We bring people together,” says Jennifer Malin of Community Foundation Tampa Bay. “We work with philanthropists who invest their money with us and we match them with a community need.” CFTB’s newest space at 110 Central Avenue in downtown St. Pete is dedicated to showcasing local art. Right now their space hosts paintings by Nathan Beard, works by Nick Davis and a permanent mural by Ya La’Ford…. Read More

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