Sharing the Art of Nature

By Luci Westphal. The visual, biophilic, and social art project “St. Pete Moving Still” brings nature indoors – especially to those who cannot easily visit the great outdoors. I initiated this project to improve the emotional, mental and physical well-being of the residents of Westminster Suncoast Senior Living Center, connecting them to nature while stuck indoors… Read More

Gender Exploration Through Photography

By Robin O’Dell. Mariette Pathy Allen started photographing cross dressers and transgender people in the day when most of the people she photographed were forced to exist underground. She has now been exploring this topic with dignity and empathy for over 40 years…. Read More

Honoring the Leepa-Rattner’s 20th Anniversary

By Lynn Whitelaw. The 20-year evolution of Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art and its collection has advanced the importance of this museum as a significant “cultural gem” on the West Coast of Florida. The current exhibitions celebrate and contemplate the arts which root us to our humanity…. Read More

Tampa Bay Afrofuturism Festival

By Frederick “Rootman” Woods. Creativity is one of our power tools. Creativity along with presence and imagination allows us to see beyond our perceived boundaries. November 11-13 – Throughout Pinellas … Read More

The Living Legacy of Women Composers

By Kurt Loft. Composer Clara Schumann is remembered as the wife of Robert Schumann, but could well have eclipsed him had history given women more artistic rights. Today, women hold positions in every aspect of classical music, and many believe Clara helped break ground. This includes pianist Alexandra Dariescu… Read More

Elizabeth Barenis in Sarasota

By Harriet Monzon-Aguirre. I admire visual artist Elizabeth Barenis for several reasons. The first is her ability to elevate a common subject matter for Florida, the palm tree. Now everytime I look at the light hitting a palm frond a certain way, Elizabeth comes to mind. She’s developed a style she calls “Abstract Precisionism.”… Read More

Hot Mics

By Margo Hammond. The mic is hot at Studio@620 for poets and storytellers — and always has been. By blurring the line between organizers and audience, between poets and poetry readers, between storytellers and lovers of stories, open mic events create a space where everyone is welcome to step up and perform or just sit back and listen…. Read More

Arts Annual Artists Share Their Work

Opening Celebrations November 11-12 Free Gallery at Creative Pinellas Details here   Five visual artists whose work will be featured at the Creative Pinellas Arts Annual celebration share the stories… Read More

Literacy is a Civil Right

By Jake-ann Jones. St. Pete Master Barber Antonio Brown is continuing the legacy of the barbershop as a place of power, and taking it to the next level — a space for growing and impacting youth literacy. Join the Barbershop Book Club and Cultured Books at the free St Pete Reads! Lit Fest on November 5 at the Woodson African American Museum… Read More

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