The Push in the Pushcart Prize

The Push in the Pushcart Prize We who submit work to publishers, agents, magazines and literary journals know the odds. Nearly everything comes back with – generally – a polite… Read More

Al Downing Honors at The Palladium

July 21 at 3 pm Palladium Theater, St Pete Details here A conversation with Frank Williams requires some prep – eight hours of sleep, a good breakfast, some stretching. After… Read More

The Mysteries of Dalí’s Jewels

By Margo Hammond. I can never resist a whodunnit — especially one set in a museum. I was also interested in The Dalí Museum’s exhibit of Dalí’s jewelry, a rare chance to see pieces usually tucked away in the vaults…. Read More

Not Just a Decoration

Not Just a Decoration The comma, that is. Commas, and punctuation in general, confuse many people. Maybe that’s why students and some writers avoid using them. I’ve been seeing more… Read More

Interwoven Legacies

By Emily Lee Stehle. Interwoven Legacies is a testament of a woman’s passion for color, creativity and teaching and how that can enrich a community…. Read More

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