PAULA KRAMER THE SPARKS PROJECT Blog #4 Moving from a hands and feet on project to a digital  presentation that will do justice to the artistry of our performing, visual… Read More

The Rise of the American Memoir

My problem with memoirs isn’t that they are untrustworthy in terms of memory, but they seem to revel in “people behaving badly.” The shock-value, the Schadenfreude, the humble-bragging (this is how much cocaine I did!!! This is how much people I’ve slept with!!!) is what I hope to critique in my novel… Read More

The Sisters Grimm

Part sass, part satire, the Sisters Grimm skitters across the landscape of language to probe the puncturing of innocence, to dismantle the sinister sensuality of the childhood scold. Drawn with a sensual line and somber color, this series of drawings of young girls with large heads and diminishing bodies probe the puncturing of innocence, as they dismantle, with a child’s inherent wisdom, the rebukes from adults. Then gaze back at you with a stare you cannot avoid. With humor and with irony, they wink at us from across the divide of language, questioning why such statements are perpetuated and how are they to be interpreted…. Read More

A world of color….

By Lea Umberger   If you are following along from the past posts of Let Me Introduce Myself and First, Comes the Research ,  Ladies and Gentlemen, Start your Pencils, you may have… Read More

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