Creating ‘Rise’

Last year, master sculptor Mark Aeling and St. Petersburg Poet Laureate Helen Pruitt Wallace collaborated on a powerful project in the Warehouse Arts District that remembers 9/11, and how to begin again. On this Memorial Day weekend, Mark and Helen share their thoughts, and all the work behind Rise…. Read More

Designing the New

By Margo Hammond. When I say Charles Rennie Mackintosh, what comes to mind? High-backed chairs? Yes, there are plenty of them included in Designing the New: Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Glasgow Style, the special exhibit at the Museum of American Arts and Craft Movement in St. Pete. But those stark, giraffesque chairs are only a fraction of the unique creations by the Scottish designer… Read More

The Irresistible URGE to Create

By Emily Stehle. Go to the Tampa Museum of Art – this weekend! – for the experience of seeing work by a group of talented and inspired artists from Western and Central Florida you’ve never heard of – or seen before. Your experience will be eye-opening, exhilarating, soul-searching. . . and perhaps, a little sad. The Florida Outsider Art Collection celebrates artists who create – to create. They don’t have traditional art training. But to them, “. . . making art was as essential as breathing”… Read More

Women’s Work

By Tom Winchester. Women’s Work: A Survey of Female Photographers, emphasizes the early contributions of women in photography. The exhibition includes artworks created by many of photography’s most notable women, as well as several whom viewers will be meeting for the first time. The exhibition reveals that men weren’t the only pioneers of photography, and that women were creating photographic imagery that was meant to be understood as art from the earliest days…. Read More

A Look at Harriet Monzon-Aguirre

By Laura Kepner. Harriet Monzon-Aguirre opens the front door to her Safety Harbor home. “Come in,” she says. Her smile is authentic. Her kitchen offers the welcoming aroma of freshly-brewed coffee. “It’s not a big space,” she says, handing me a full cup. She carries her two-year-old son Thomas as she walks toward a brightly-lit back room — the Florida room. “But the sunlight – it’s perfect for painting.”… Read More

Harriet Monzon-Aguirre

Harriet Monzon-Aguirre is an oil painter and aspiring surface pattern designer creating out of Bahia Studios in Safety Harbor. She spent her early childhood and formative years on the Caribbean… Read More

Answering Questions in Quilts

By Emily Stehle. This show at Florida CraftArt, a project of SAQA’s (Studio Art Quilt Associates Inc.) Florida region, offers a unique perspective of the creation of artwork. The assumption is that every work begins with a question. And every art quilt by the 29 artists in this exhibit examines and explains their answer to this question…. Read More

Carol Mickett, Ph. D.

Mickett-Stackhouse Studio Dr. Carol Mickett is an artist, philosopher, and part of a collaborative art team with artist Robert Stackhouse.  Mickett worked for over a decade in academia, holds her… Read More

Anna Ayres

Anna Ayres began her painting career well before she began painting. A childhood immersed in the four seasons of rural Vermont showcased the natural world to Ayres, initiating an early… Read More

Fearless Abstract

By Gabrielle Reeder. Dane Capo and his mother Krista taught and curated an art class titled “Fearless Abstract” at Indian Rocks’ Beach Art Center, on painting without the feeling so common to artists – fear. “We came up with the idea out of Autism Awareness Month,” Krista says. “Everybody asks about how he chooses his colors and how he comes up with these weird mixtures and things. I blame it on the Autism because he doesn’t have any fear about choosing a color.”… Read More

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