Getting out of my comfort zone

Blog Post 10 – Agueda Zabisky If we break down the phrase “stepping out of our comfort zone,” it means doing things that we don’t feel comfortable doing or pushing… Read More

Off to the Races: Rehearsals Begin

This week, I held the first two rehearsals for my grantee project. The first rehearsals for a play primarily are referred to as “tablework”. This is time when the director… Read More

The Exposed Madonna

Before moving to Florida in 2019, I spent 4 years teaching abroad in Italy and Spain. Because of my past years living in those heavily catholic countries, one main culture… Read More

Patterns, patterns, patterns

Through patterns I can create a visual language of abstraction and realism by painting the intricate and often wild, unruly patterns of plants in Floridian landscapes and interior domestic spaces…. Read More

Mermaids and Myths at The Factory

I am always keeping my eye out for calls to exhibit work especially locally and nationally. I regularly select exhibitions to apply to based on whether or not the work… Read More

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