
I’m back to work on the novel this week and feeling that things might be coming together. One of the biggest anxieties for me while revising it has been the… Read More

Found Poetry

Blog# 7   I adore found poetry, because it makes what I’ve already known obvious: poetry is everywhere, and it’s for everybody.   If you are unfamiliar with found poetry,… Read More

The End of the Beginning

Blog 8 First drafts of novels are what I like to think of as the end of a beginning. For me, it’s the second major step in completing a novel…. Read More


This week it has been very difficult to focus. In addition to the events that occurred at the Capitol on Wednesday, which I’m sure have been on everyone’s mind, an… Read More

New Year: First Times

Blog #6   I love the New Year, how everything is a series of firsts: first meal of the new year, first shower, first time having sex, poem written, book… Read More

New Year, New Mentor, New Focus

Blog 7 Just before the holiday break, I met with my Creative Pinellas mentor, Sheree, for the first time over Google chat. We talked about a lot of things, but… Read More

Stepping Away

This week I’ve been taking a break from the novel and working on a long story/novella whose rough draft I wrote over the summer. The germ of it started after… Read More

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