Getting out of my comfort zone

Blog Post 10 – Agueda Zabisky If we break down the phrase “stepping out of our comfort zone,” it means doing things that we don’t feel comfortable doing or pushing… Read More

A Champion of Artivism

By Jake-ann Jones. Artist, educator and researcher Dr. Dallas Jackson is currently holding his MFA Thesis exhibit, “Bệte Noire: The Migrant and The Mendicant,” at The Studio@620. His paintings explore racism, poverty and dislocation during the 90-year period from post-emancipation through the pre-civil rights period… Read More

Off to the Races: Rehearsals Begin

This week, I held the first two rehearsals for my grantee project. The first rehearsals for a play primarily are referred to as “tablework”. This is time when the director… Read More

The Color of Classical Music

By Margo Hammond. Black classical musicians have been in the spotlight lately, thanks to two recently published novels by Black violinist Brendan Slocomb. The first African American member of The Florida Orchestra — violinist Mary Corbett — joined in 1989. Now 38 years later, she is still the only full-time Black player in TFO…. Read More

Exploring Visual Movement

The Clearwater Arts Alliance in partnership with Creative Pinellas is excited to present a free exhibit of K-8th grade works of art from Pinellas County Schools. The vibrant artwork is inspired by the theme of Visual Movement – how to convey motion or action through an image…. Read More

Opera Celebrating a Heroic Woman

By Kurt Loft. A woman risks her own life to rescue her wrongfully imprisoned husband. “It’s about democracy over tyranny and the things in life that aren’t fair,’’ says Mark Sforzini, conductor and artistic director of the St. Petersburg Opera, which stages a new production of Fidelio March 24-28… Read More

The Gifts of the Grant

By Pamela J. Trow. Thank you for the gifts the NEA/Pinellas Recovers Grant bestowed on me. It was a gift to be a footbridge for an issue of great importance to so many of us. The children who attended the workshops provided a special gift – the gift of hope for our future…. Read More

Celebrating Women in Art History

Creative Clay’s Women in Art History exhibit celebrating Women’s History Month, features the women artists of Creative Clay. “The intention of this exhibit is to honor and elevate the women artists of our time – as well as the women artists of the past – who have often been under-recognized and marginalized”… Read More

The Exposed Madonna

Before moving to Florida in 2019, I spent 4 years teaching abroad in Italy and Spain. Because of my past years living in those heavily catholic countries, one main culture… Read More

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