Elizabeth Indianos – Public/Private

By Lynn Whitelaw. “Elizabeth Indianos INTROSPECTIVE: Public / Private” occupies both floors of the Tarpon Springs Cultural Center. It is a perfect venue for this exhibit that traces the nearly 50-year career of Elizabeth Indianos as an award-winning multidisciplinary artist and playwright…. Read More

The Enigmatic Poet Fernando Pessoa

By Margo Hammond. Lisbon is now considered the capital of cool, but its most famous resident is a nerdy poet born there in 1888. Fernando Pessoa was a surrealist before there were even Surrealists. Much of the work he penned was attributed not to Pessoa, but to at least 72 alter egos … Read More

Discovering Ossip Zadkine

This question inadvertently pokes a finger on a very sensitive spot for Marie and I. There have been so many artistic places visited, so many artists discovered, so many artistic… Read More

A Cultural Glimpse of Taipei

By Kirk Ke Wang. Taipei is a city of subtlety and humbleness, yet culturally abundant. One of the measures of the current development of a society is what’s showing in its contemporary art museums, besides the classics. Taipei Fine Arts Museum was on our must-see list…. Read More

Welcome to YOUR Arts Coast Cultural Plan

We will begin in early September to examine the current state of the arts in Pinellas County, while working over the next year to develop strategic initiatives designed specifically to positively impact our cultural institutions, residents, tourists, artists, and business community…. Read More


If you didn’t get a chance to view the vibrant ArtOUT exhibit organized by the LGBTQ Resource Center at the Gulfport Library, we’re honored to publish the winning entries from this juried show, with statements from the artists. The theme of the show is “Emergence.”… Read More

Here We Stand at the MFA

By Tom Winchester. “Here We Stand” is a mid-career retrospective of photographs and collages by Ho-Chunk artist Tom Jones – offering a perspective of the Ho-Chunk, and the Native American identity as a whole, that’s altogether new…. Read More

How I spend the off-season

Being a professional musician can be a 7-day-a-week, 365-days-a-year job. Schedules are unpredictable and can range from rehearsals in the mornings and afternoons to performances in the evenings, with practicing… Read More

The Artist and Her Symbols (Part 3)

Elizabeth Barenis is shown wearing a pink hat and standing next to her painting of two monk parakeets on a navy blue background. One parakeet is perched on a cypress branch; the other is mid-flight with wings spread. Behind and overhead are oranges and orange blossoms hanging.

My last two blog posts have centered on three-dimensional work I’ve made using the bird as a symbol for transformation. And if you’re curious about other iterations of that work,… Read More

Strings, Arts and Healing

The String & Art Fest brings culture to The Deuces on Saturday, August 19 – with a free performance by Fred Johnson on the Kora, with sound healers, West African Drums and storytelling. The event will share the healing power of music… Read More

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