Art for the Bookish

By Margo Hammond. On our anniversary my husband and I always try to include a museum visit for our celebrations to remind ourselves that marriage is an art. This year we went to an exhibit at the Morean Art Center called Bookish, where artists had been asked to submit works based on a book they loved. It was an inspiring concept…. Read More

Remembering Tom Kramer

By David Warner . . . The noted St. Petersburg photographer Tom Kramer, 88, died peacefully on Thursday, August 11, at Suncoast Hospice Pinellas after a short illness. Born in… Read More

Art You Can Wear

By Laura Kepner . . .   Wearable Art (Sweet) 16 Celebrating Fashion this Weekend . . . August 27 from 7-11 pm Dunedin Fine Art Center Details here  … Read More

CARMADA ‘22 Street Carnival

By Mitzi Gordon. This year, the CARMADA ‘22 Street Carnival officially kicks off the SHINE Mural Festival on October 15 with a daylong celebration of art on the road in Childs Park, St. Petersburg. The event plan calls for car-painting demos, street mural painting, NOMAD Art Bus activities and more…. Read More

Florida Faces

By Don Gialanella. I have long been intrigued with Andy Warhol’s film experiments and wanted to produce a film inspired by his unique style. So, I applied for a St. Pete Art Alliance grant with the idea of creating a video that would document the people of St. Pete based on the series of short, silent, black-and-white film portraits by Andy Warhol called Screen Tests… Read More

SHINE Unity Project Reaches New Neighborhoods

By Gabrielle Reeder. Tracey Rtist Jones, Brain Storm, Reda3sb and iBOMS were selected for the St. Pete Arts Alliance’s SHINE Unity project, and got the opportunity to explain what unity means to them through murals – in neighborhoods outside the downtown art districts. … Read More

Exploring Faith in the Caribbean Through Art

By Letisia Cruz. My project titled Rituales: An Exploration of Faith in the Caribbean explores the practice of rituals inherited through cultural mythology and spiritual beliefs, drawing inspiration from religious practices rooted in indigenous and Afro-Caribbean origins. The series
celebrates the diversity of religious and spiritual practices across the region…. Read More

Artists Share the Experience of Figure Drawing

By Laura Castro. Art making is generally thought of as a solitary experience. Picture the lone artist holed up in their studio for hours, only emerging once the work is complete. A local remedy to that isolation can be found at the Figure Drawing Workshops happening every Saturday at the Morean Arts Center, where live models pose for a group…. Read More

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