On Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2022

Auschwitz, plaque

I often read this poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller as a touchstone, particularly now, as I embark on research for a new play based on characters from Shakespeare’s The Merchant… Read More

New Works in Progress

Currently I am preparing new prints for two upcoming shows in June. The pencil studies shown here are for the next series of prints called Cosmos/ Chaos II. In preparation… Read More

Shhh, Don’t Say That: History Matters

Quite possibly the most infuriating comment ever uttered, and I have heard this several times over my life/career, most frequently by students is, “…I don’t want to study history because… Read More

Books 2

As the first summer reading list was well received, I thought I would throw in a second collection of art+design books that every artist should read. Enjoy. Context, history and… Read More

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