Art Adventures at the Leepa-Rattner

By Harriet Monzon-Aguirre. My children and I enjoyed our mission to a grand exhibition of small works – The 48th Annual International Miniature Art Show – now on display at the Leepa-Rattner Museum of Art in Tarpon Springs. … Read More

Seeing Sound at Studio@620

By Margo Hammond. Now in its 17th year, The Radio Theatre Project at The Studio@620 was never just about sound. As regulars know, you don’t just come to listen. You come for the sights as well. . …. Read More

Talking with Violinist Nancy Chang

By Kurt Loft. Nancy Chang might have the toughest job in town this week. As The Florida Orchestra’s Associate Concertmaster, she’s more than busy studying scores, rehearsing and performing with her colleagues. Now she shares her thoughts on a bigger challenge – standing in the spotlight to bring Mozart to life…. Read More

True Collaboration

By Beth Reynolds. Dance photography is truly collaborative artwork. It is based on trust and an understanding of each other’s mediums. Photographer Tom Kramer’s appreciation and deep understanding of human movement is one of the richest I have seen from anybody who is not a dancer. His career is truly a history of dance and his gift lives on forever…. Read More

The Enchanting Sounds of Baroque

By Kurt Loft. “We’re dedicated to giving new life to old masterpieces, giving a voice to recently discovered works and bringing audiences the eccentric and improvisatory nature of Baroque music,’’ says Dan Urbanowicz, founder of St. Pete Baroque…. Read More

Easygoing Opera in Tarpon Springs

By Kurt Loft. Who says opera needs to be so grand all the time? Why not trade your formals for a T-shirt and beach sandals and relax? The folks at New Century Opera put on a strictly casual affair in Tarpon Springs with their new series, Flip Flop Opera…. Read More

Starting a New Decade of Chamber Music

By Kurt Loft. A decade ago, a group of musicians banded together to form the Palladium Chamber Players, making their home at the eponymous concert hall in St. Petersburg and sharing classic sounds with soon-to-be devoted audiences. Now the players look back to that first-ever performance by repeating it note-for-note as they “kick off the season with a return to the very program that started it all”… Read More

Adventures at the Library

By Harriet Monzon-Aguirre. The Palm Harbor library is more than just a library, it’s an art-centric center, actively promoting and supporting visual and performing arts and giving people of all ages the opportunity to embrace and be involved in the arts…. Read More

Safety Harbor Storytelling

By Laura Kepner. Storytellers Walt Belcher and Maureen Belote talk about the art of storytelling, and special guest Andy Offutt Irwin’s performance at the Safety Harbor Art and Music Center before their monthly storytelling open mic. … Read More

Travels with Becca

By Margo Hammond. Becca McCoy didn’t plan to take a trip every month for a year. When she finished that year of travel, she didn’t plan to turn those adventures into a book. After the book was published, she didn’t plan to turn the book into a one-woman play. But as every traveler knows, the best part of any trip is the unexpected…. Read More

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