Collect Your Thoughts, Creatively

By Steph Hargrove. It’s not easy to collect all your thoughts if your brain is overloaded and overworked. Art journaling is the perfect guide to explore your thoughts in a relaxing, creative and fun way…. Read More

SPACEcraft for Grownups

Story and Photos by Emily Lee Stehle . . . Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No. It’s SPACEcraft, a Traveling Art Project! . . . WEDS +… Read More

Chess Club Project Update

  By Jackie Kaufman The Chess Board Unveiled September 10-30 Morean Arts Center Details here NEA/Pinellas Recovers Grant Update . . . The chess pieces for “The Chess Club Project”… Read More

A Universal Day for Music

Story and Photos by Laura Kepner . . . Playing Ukes on the Portico at the Safety Harbor Library . . . My grandparents lived in Denver in a white… Read More

Duncan McClellan and The DMG School Project

By Tom Winchester. Duncan McClellan established The DMG School Project to provide the art of glass to schoolchildren who otherwise wouldn’t have access to it. He says, “When we’re talking with the school kids, what we want to do is get that ‘Aha’ moment.”… Read More

Liberating the Arts

By Kurt Loft. “I benefited greatly from the music-arts programs at Tampa’s Blake High, and education is very important to me,” jazz saxophonist Eric Darius explains. “I’m an advocate for music in the schools and I want to help keep it alive. It’s important to me to expose kids to jazz, encourage them to follow their dreams and inspire them to play musical instruments.”… Read More

Celebrating Visual Literacy

By Robin O’Dell. Each year the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts empowers students and teaches critical thinking through photography. They celebrates the work done by these students with an exhibition of almost 500 photographs in the Community Gallery at the Museum, with highlights available online. This allows us a thrilling insight into the mind and experiences of a child…. Read More

Young Performers Take the Stage

By Gabrielle Reeder. St. Pete City Theatre hosts junior summer productions to promote the passion for live theatre and introduce children to the importance of the arts. On July 15, the organization graced the stage with a group of talented kids between the ages of seven and 14 for Seussical Jr. – illuminating Dr. Seuss’s work and entertaining an audience of over 200…. Read More

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