On Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2022

Auschwitz, plaque

I often read this poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller as a touchstone, particularly now, as I embark on research for a new play based on characters from Shakespeare’s The Merchant… Read More

Palladium Chamber Pair

By Kurt Loft. What keeps a marriage between two musicians in tune? A little Mozart, a morsel of Mendelssohn, a bit of Beethoven. It works for cellist Edward Arron and pianist Jeewon Park, a husband-and-wife duo who close out the Palladium Chamber Players season May 4. “I consider myself the luckiest cellist in the world to be married to such a marvelous pianist,” Arron says. “After 21 years of making music together, we have total trust in one another onstage.”… Read More

One City Chorus Sings for Ukraine

After a prolonged Covid-related hiatus, One City Chorus is back to rehearsing in person – and performing a benefit concert. Admission is free and donations will be accepted to benefit the people of Ukraine. The titles of some of the songs One City Chorus will be singing on May 1 suggest what the concert will be about – “You Gotta Put One Foot in Front of the Other,” “I Still Believe,” “Hope Lingers On”… Read More

Visiting Great Explorations

By Harriet Monzon-Aguirre. Visiting the Safety Harbor Library and requesting a Museum Pass for one of nine brilliant museums in Pinellas County is how I imagine Charlie felt when he won the golden ticket to see Willy Wonka’s factory. There is a rush of excitement to choose a museum, pick up a pass – and head out on a new adventure. On this occasion we went to see Maurus the Explorasaurus at the Great Explorations Children’s Museum in St. Pete…. Read More

New Works in Progress

Currently I am preparing new prints for two upcoming shows in June. The pencil studies shown here are for the next series of prints called Cosmos/ Chaos II. In preparation… Read More

Sunscreen Film Festival

The 17th annual Sunscreen Film Festival is eye-opening for viewers – and for Bay area filmmakers. “The workshops are one of the most popular parts of the festival,” says Tony Armer, festival founder. “Providing educational programs on a wide variety of topics like screenwriting, acting, producing, finance and distribution gives people a chance to interact with professionals, ask questions and learn about aspects of the industry that are sometimes tough to learn.” And the lineup of new films is stellar. … Read More

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