Excerpt from my book “PHI”

Excerpt from my book “PHI” The book is still in its beginning stage of just putting ideas down in some kind of order. -Middle of Chapter One- -Taki stood up,… Read More

Watching my mentor at work

Last week I had the opportunity to see my mentor, Roxanne Fay, perform in Jobsite’s production of Henry V. It was my first venture outside after more than a year… Read More

Poems That Follow Us

Blog #23 Once an idea for a poem blooms, I generally finish the poem within a couple of weeks but sometimes I need to live more—for months, or even years—before… Read More

Unreal Engine Facial Motion Capture

In this weeks blog, I finished the tutorial I created for GlassboxTech and FacewareTech on how to use the updated motion logic blueprint for the Metahumans. Motion Logic I have… Read More

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