Safety Harbor Storytelling

By Laura Kepner. Storytellers Walt Belcher and Maureen Belote talk about the art of storytelling, and special guest Andy Offutt Irwin’s performance at the Safety Harbor Art and Music Center before their monthly storytelling open mic. … Read More

Travels with Becca

By Margo Hammond. Becca McCoy didn’t plan to take a trip every month for a year. When she finished that year of travel, she didn’t plan to turn those adventures into a book. After the book was published, she didn’t plan to turn the book into a one-woman play. But as every traveler knows, the best part of any trip is the unexpected…. Read More

Holiday Concerts in Clearwater

By Melissa Brown. There are plenty of local community orchestras for string players to participate in – but what about folks who are returning to their string instrument after years away, or just picking one up for the first time? This season, the Dunedin Music Society has formed an ensemble specifically for those players, and family-friendly concerts are … Read More

Celebrating the Details – A Change of Year Special

As this year swings toward a new start, we asked a range of artists and arts supporters for a special detail they’ve noticed in a work of art, something that makes this work special for them. We received such lovely answers, all so different. Here’s a year-end gift of special moments people noticed…. Read More

Enjoy Christmas in 1883 in Tarpon Springs

By Laura Kepner. The City of Tarpon Springs has every right to be proud of its oldest house turned museum. Every December they offer a glimpse back in time through their Victorian Christmas Celebration – held this year on December 10 and 11… Read More

Safety Harbor’s Thankful for the Arts – a Photo Celebration

By Laura Kepner. Safety Harbor Art and Music Center celebrated their anniversary with a joyful march through side streets and onto Main Street in Safety Harbor. “It’s wonderful to see how it’s grown,” said Nancy Vellucci, a longtime volunteer. “SHAMc has become the cornerstone of art, music and so many enriching events for children.”… Read More

A World Premiere

By Kurt Loft. Brandon native Michael Ippolito wrote his Violin Concerto for soloist Jeffrey Multer. The work premieres this weekend with the Florida Orchestra – a heroic narrative inspired by Greek myth, the violin collaborating with or battling against the orchestra…. Read More

Last Weekend for The Colored Museum

By Jake-ann Jones. George C. Wolfe’s now-classic satire on Black stereotypes and identity takes on subject matter as loaded as the Middle Passage, Black women’s hair, and self-hatred.  Now at American Stage, the play’s humor makes it palatable for the audience to digest, even as Wolfe ponders our racial and social realities… Read More

Tampa Bay Afrofuturism Festival

By Frederick “Rootman” Woods. Creativity is one of our power tools. Creativity along with presence and imagination allows us to see beyond our perceived boundaries. November 11-13 – Throughout Pinellas … Read More

The Living Legacy of Women Composers

By Kurt Loft. Composer Clara Schumann is remembered as the wife of Robert Schumann, but could well have eclipsed him had history given women more artistic rights. Today, women hold positions in every aspect of classical music, and many believe Clara helped break ground. This includes pianist Alexandra Dariescu… Read More

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