Old Dogs Learning New Tricks

Book Cover

Good Morning, All! My name is Roxanne and I am writing today to try to get the hang of this newfangled blog thing. I first watched the tutorial video and… Read More

First Day, First Impressions

After a scenic two days, with a few stops, I finally landed in Louisa, Kentucky! Hooray! The hospitality in this quaint, little town is unrivaled. I’ve been accepted with open… Read More

Well, Howdy

It has been a while since I have added to my blogs; as the show deadline loomed and weighed on my anxiety-riddled self, more and more of my limited attention… Read More

A Live Oak, A Local Icon

The Baranoff Oak is located in front of the public library in Safety Harbor, FL. It is known as the oldest living Live Oak in Pinellas County, estimated between 300-500… Read More

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