“Di Times Change”

To exhibit overseas is no easy task for an artist. Plane fares, shipping work, lodging can be very costly. Fortunately, I have close friends in Kingston Jamaica where  I can… Read More


When my words flood out onto the page, someone’s paint splatters across a canvas or melodic tunes drift by on a whisper of the wind only the musician can hear…… Read More

Prague Diaries 6/22

First days in Prague I arrived in Prague three days ago to study and perform with the Prague Shakespeare Company. It has been an eventful start. My flights were badly… Read More


The Creative Pinellas Professional Artist Grant arrived at an interesting time in my writing career. It’s not an overstatement to say that my entire trajectory was in flux until that… Read More

Pareidolia…for now.

The last several years have robbed us of one of the most fundamental, beautiful and almost innate acts that we share as a community, that deepens the fabric of who… Read More

First, they tell you lies.

Shirley Jackson

“First they tell you lies and they make you believe them. Then they give you a little of what they promised, just a little, enough to keep you thinking you’ve… Read More

Mr. Gaga

Last Work, Ohad Naharin

I would like to talk about Ohad Naharin. I am so inspired by his inventive approach to choreography. Ohad is an Israeli choreographer who was artistic director of Batsheva Dance… Read More

Feeding Art To Kids

About 10 years ago, the school where my son was attending received a grant to provide each student in the 5th grade class with a tablet computer. The idea was… Read More

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