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pc: Sorcha Augustine I have been teaching dance for 20+ years. When the pandemic happened, like many others, I took time to assess what I wanted for my life and… Read More

The Show Must…

Most of us will recognize the romanticized image of the tortured artist, suffering for their creative life. Artists have famously struggled with their mental health- Vincent van Gogh. Kurt Cobain…. Read More

Do Art. Feel Better.

Do Art. Feel Better. Art is about filling space – or, where there is nothing apparent – and creating, weaving SOMETHING out of, or within, that space, that apparent nothing…. Read More

Actor’s Etiquette, Part 1

  It’s show week for the production of Broadway Bound and I’m very excited! The cast and crew have been hard at work with preparation and final steps and everything… Read More

Why Shakespeare Matters

To understand who we are, we need to understand where we came from. Ben Jonson, a contemporary of Shakespeare, wrote that Shakespeare was “not of an age, but for all… Read More

Actor’s Etiquette, Part 2

In my last blog post (Part 1), I detailed the basic and recommended guidelines for Actor Etiquette in live performance. I think these details can be applied to any performance… Read More

Remembrances of September 12th.

September the 11th, 2001. You remember. Think about how you felt on September the 12th. You remember. Wake up.  It was all real.  Get up.  The numb sickness of a… Read More

Gathering of Artisans

From April 17 to the 21st, I participated in a faith-based artists conference in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. The Gathering of Artisans drew about 300 artists, musicians,… Read More

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