Master Chorale Offers Musical Balm in Times of Stress

By Kurt Loft. The war in Ukraine, a lingering pandemic, and spikes in the cost of living can strain anyone, so we seek relief amid the chaos. The right music provides it – sublime sounds that serve as a balm to soothe and nurture us. A pair of concerts aims to do precisely that, momentarily washing away our anxieties through the intimacy of the human voice. Or more correctly, voices. … Read More

Students Celebrate Visual Movement

Pinellas County Students in Grades K-8 Celebrate Visual Movement . . . Through April 3 Free Creative Pinellas Gallery Details here . . . The Clearwater Arts Alliance in partnership… Read More

Jazz Surges Ahead at Anniversary Concert of Celebrated Band

By Kurt Loft. Benny Goodman just might bend an ear this week. So will Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Glenn Miller and the Dorsey brothers. They all love the heavenly sounds of their big bands, and the players who keep their spirits alive today. One would be Chuck Owen, who celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Jazz Surge, a group he founded at the USF School of Music, where he established its first faculty post of Jazz Studies in the early 1980s…. Read More

Women of Jazz XVI

In celebration of Women’s History Month, a stellar jazz band featuring Valerie Gillespie on saxophone and vocals, Judi Glover on piano, Patricia Dean on drums and vocals, and guest vocalists Rose Bilal, Lorri Hafer and Belinda Womack will perform at the Palladium’s Hough Hall…. Read More

Helen French’s “Reprise” Makes Old New Again

By Amanda Sieradzki. March 10 from 6-8 pm at the Creative Pinellas Gallery. Helen Hansen French liquifies at the foot of Nebulous’ soft, luxurious clouds. Three women — French, Sharon McCaman and Kaylee Davis — rise meditatively, arms outstretched… Read More

The Imagine Museum After School

By Harriet Monzon-Aguirre The Imagine Museum After School . . . Did you know that The United Nations dedicated 2022 as “The International Year of Glass?” Neither did I until… Read More

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