
Influence What makes a person a person? I mean at their core it’s a really question them nature versus nurture. So the question remains how does this apply to the artist and their art? What are they trying to say or understand? Why their process is going the direction its going and where did it all start? I believe this is where I am at this… Read More

You are your work

You are your work Mark making is a term used to describe the different lines, patterns, and textures we create in a piece of art. It applies to any art material… Read More

Old School Rocket

Old School Rocket One challenging sculpture that I made recently was the “Old School Rocket”. The piece was 11 feet tall and included LED lights that could be seen in… Read More

my lesson

My mentor for the Emerging Artist grant is Maestro Mark Sforzini.  He is the director of the St. Petersburg Opera and the Tampa Bay Symphony.  I have had the privilege… Read More

Portal Series.

Portal Series. For those that love the ocean and are mesmerized by it’s beauty then you will love these new sculptures. “Sea life portal” 20″ by 2″ “The mermaid portal”… Read More

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