Is Everyone An Artist?

By Mason Gehring . . . This is a common statement among creative individuals, parents, etc. As an arts in health professional it’s my job to encourage people to be… Read More

Seeing Something New

By Nikki Devereux . . . I embarked on a new project that I’m very excited about, and which demonstrates how much growth I’ve experienced over the last few months…. Read More

Pinellas Trail Mural Project

Pinellas Trail Mural Project . . . Creative Pinellas and Pinellas County recently hired muralists to create four new murals along the Pinellas Trail. The project is funded by the Pinellas… Read More

Non Binary Parenting

By Takeya Trayer Psychological Evaluation of a Visual   This is the cover image from my book My Mommy is My Daddy, published this year. It is cut paper collage… Read More

Cultural Translation

By Yuly Restrepo   I was talking about my novel with my mentor, Roxanne Fay, and she asked me a very interesting question – if the opportunity presented itself, would… Read More

First Day Of School

By Nick Davis   Going from “unemployed” to a full-time artist was never easy.  It all started one Sunday at church when I was asked to paint during service –… Read More

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