What Makes a Series?

The question I found myself asking, as I settled in to work on my collection for the Creative Pinellas Emerging Artists’ Exhibition, is what makes a series an entity of… Read More

All That Symbolism

Hellfire For Breakfast 2022 48”x72” oil, pigment stick, spray paint on canvas.   The title for this one was tricky. There were a number of thoughts I had about it…. Read More

….And That’s A Wrap!

  ….And that’s a wrap!   It has been a busy two weeks, but I’m finally settled and back home in sunny St. Petersburg! A lot has transpired since my… Read More

Dimensions of Time

The St. Petersburg Pier

As I begin to do research on a short dance film I am producing, I am delving into “time.” The images I’ve shared here show the location of where the… Read More

The Irresistible URGE to Create

By Emily Stehle. Go to the Tampa Museum of Art – this weekend! – for the experience of seeing work by a group of talented and inspired artists from Western and Central Florida you’ve never heard of – or seen before. Your experience will be eye-opening, exhilarating, soul-searching. . . and perhaps, a little sad. The Florida Outsider Art Collection celebrates artists who create – to create. They don’t have traditional art training. But to them, “. . . making art was as essential as breathing”… Read More


What to do when you’re STUCK? Inspiration, creativity is blocked, and you the artist become frozen and frustrated! Being “stuck” in your creativity is not an uncommon situation for visual… Read More


Sometimes you need to put all the projects down, get out of the studio, and reintroduce yourself to the world, even if just for an afternoon. I recently went on… Read More

Women’s Work

By Tom Winchester. Women’s Work: A Survey of Female Photographers, emphasizes the early contributions of women in photography. The exhibition includes artworks created by many of photography’s most notable women, as well as several whom viewers will be meeting for the first time. The exhibition reveals that men weren’t the only pioneers of photography, and that women were creating photographic imagery that was meant to be understood as art from the earliest days…. Read More

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