Video Ain’t That Hard

Video Ain’t That Hard I like to create short portfolio videos.  Slideshows of work, short videos of producing work.  I’ve tried a number of different approaches.  Creating a video on… Read More


Here’s what I’m listening to now: Mahler’s 2nd Symphony “Ressurection”    I have been obsessed with this piece since college Ravel Daphnis and Chloe    If heaven had a sound, it would… Read More


Exploring   I have recently challenged myself to use certain colors that are not normally in my palette for a new piece I was starting. As an artist I think… Read More

Teaching Art

Teaching Art Soon after graduating from USF, I returned to focus on creating art and accepted a teaching position.  I taught computers my first year and then transitioned to a… Read More

Zöllner Illusion

Zöllner Illusion I will be exploring using the Zollner Illusion as my inspiration for the pattern/illusion incorporated into my next paninting. Here is further information about this particular illusion. The… Read More

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