Exit 19

Two years ago I put my little FL life into storage and moved home to Vermont for the summer. My mother and her husband were traveling to Alaska for four… Read More

Meeting My Crew!

Hello Fellow Artist, It’s now only two days left until my “Journey To Freedom” Auditions. I am just bursting inside about what I anticipate will take place this Saturday May… Read More

Once upon a time..

Hi everybody, Firstly I would like to thank Creative Pinellas for awarding me one of the emerging artist grants for 2019 and secondly I would like to take this opportunity… Read More

World Premiere Prep

  Not quite a Gettin’ Ready Rag, but close… [/fusion_title][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””] This week is the World Premiere of my composition “Heed The… Read More

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