The Influence of Music In Art

In the past, I have often been asked how I begin my process or what my inspiration is. I have always had the same answer. I start with music. Listening… Read More


I’m back to work on the novel this week and feeling that things might be coming together. One of the biggest anxieties for me while revising it has been the… Read More

How to Approach Pre-Production as a Director

When I was embarking on directing “Macbeth” for The No Name Collective in 2017, I read Freud’s engrossing interpretation of the leads. He believed Macbeth and Lady Macbeth two sides of the same person. This idea, as well as my obsession with queerness and gender-play in Shakespeare, inspired me to have the actress playing Lady Macbeth and the actor playing Macbeth switch roles after Duncan has been murdered. … Read More

Questions and Concerns

Questions and Concerns By Mason Gehring January 15th Preview image: The Abyss Stares Back, Acrylic on canvas, 10″ x 10″, 2020 Image below: Portrait of an Illness, Acrylic on canvas, 10″ x… Read More

Found Poetry

Blog# 7   I adore found poetry, because it makes what I’ve already known obvious: poetry is everywhere, and it’s for everybody.   If you are unfamiliar with found poetry,… Read More

Found Poetry

Found Poetry By: Sara Ries Dziekonski Blog# 7 1/14/21   I adore found poetry, because it makes what I’ve already known obvious: poetry is everywhere, and it’s for everybody.  … Read More

The End of the Beginning

Blog 8 First drafts of novels are what I like to think of as the end of a beginning. For me, it’s the second major step in completing a novel…. Read More

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