Hello Again

Hello again. It’s good to be back here blogging for Creative Pinellas. As a 2018 Emerging Artist Grant recipient I spent my grant on the computer on which I’m typing… Read More

PreSchool Stop Motion Animation

https://youtu.be/m_OlowpOze0, I am blessed. I get to teach art to four and five year olds. Needless to say, there is no shortage of imagination. What is challenging is trying to… Read More

PreSchool Stop Motion Animation

So I’ve been introducing my class to puppet making, storytelling and stop motion animation.  What better way to have children see their story objectively than on a big screen with sound effects?  There aren’t many ways that compare.  … Read More

Light at the End of the Tunnel

I created this piece for the Creative Pinellas / Foundation for a Healthy St. Pete campaign called You Good? in which artists were asked to create pieces that interpret issues surrounding mental health in our community, especially during the COVID-19 health crisis…. Read More

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