Is Everyone An Artist?

This is a common statement among creative individuals, parents, etc. As a arts in health professional it’s my job to encourage people to be creative and use art as a… Read More

Seeking Stillness

This past weekend I went out for a walk with my four-year-old son, Isaac and our 5-month-old puppy, Hans. My intent was to get some energy out of the puppy… Read More

Healthy Obsession

Healthy Obsession by Nikki Devereux | 04.02.21 I’ve been pondering the question, “what is a healthy amount of obsession?” My mind tends to be overactive at night (and sometimes during… Read More

Taking a Crack at Creativity

To analytical readers, this may sound like mushy advice indeed. Because what does it mean? How do you step into the kind of creativity Van Gogh calls “relief” in times of anxiety, grief, stress, or other emotional pain?… Read More

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