Behind the Lyrics – A Public Apology

“A Public Apology” – from the 2022 collaborative album, The Table (Vol. 1), by Anthill Cinema & Jon Ditty. This song was written in response to a complicated situation, in which… Read More

Painting with Children

When you paint and you have children, inevitably your two worlds mix. Your children leave their mark on your art and your art leaves its mark on your children, both… Read More

Celebrating Black History

Local arts organizations are honoring Black History Month with a powerful series of performances, conversations and visual art. . . .. . . February 2-27 American Stage American Stage presents… Read More

2022: Women Empowering Women

During Summer of 2020, I decided to deeply analyze the concept of femininity, not just from my point of view and from my own experiences, but also from other women’s…. Read More

Granville Court Banyan Tree

Back in 2020, I know it seems like a life time ago, there was a lot of controversy over the Granville Court banyan tree that was causing damage to a… Read More

Meta Pragmatism

You know the old adage about how your kids are supposed to rebel against their parents? I was really hoping that that was going to be my kid and they… Read More

Time To Get In The Studio

My January was nothing short of busy and jam packed. The last of my holiday orders had been sent out, the mural projects in Puerto Rico were completed, I applied… Read More

Impossible Perfection (Pt.1)

Today’s thoughts surround me addressing what has been coined as “unquenchable perfectionism” in my creative endeavors (and probably life, in general). I’m pretty OCD, as is, but particularly in the… Read More

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