2021, My Insane Year of Art

Read How I Got Into The Arts Here: Read Part 1 Here: How I Got Into the Arts Part I: College and Jewelry Read Part 2 Here: How I Got Into the… Read More

Experience Live Model Casting

MUSE Awards 2022 One of my main reasons for starting these body castings was to help women (whether they are the models posing for the work, or a woman admiring… Read More

Jack Kerouac at 100

By Margo Hammond. Jack Kerouac would have turned 100 this month, but he’s never really grown old, has he? He died more than a half a century ago at age 47 in St. Petersburg – but, thanks to photographs and the work he left behind, he is fixed in our minds as that young man with a full shock of hair, seated on a poetry stool, reciting poems to jazz in San Francisco…. Read More

My Career In Advertising

Right out of college I started working at an ad agency as an Art Director. It was at the beginning of when computers took over typesetting by hand. Which made… Read More

A Love Letter To My Mentors

Read How I Got Into The Arts Here: Read Part 1 Here: How I Got Into the Arts Part I: College and Jewelry Read Part 2 Here: How I Got Into the… Read More

Legislating Literature?

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) FL

We have rarely shied away from criticism about our work being too “Woke” or being on the wrong side of Florida’s polarized political landscape- we can easily remember being called… Read More

Bandleader Appreciation

This is something that all-too-often gets overlooked, both from the musician and audience perspectives: The Bandleader. This is the guy (or gal), who isn’t necessarily the frontman, but keeps everyone… Read More

Helen French’s “Reprise” Makes Old New Again

By Amanda Sieradzki. March 10 from 6-8 pm at the Creative Pinellas Gallery. Helen Hansen French liquifies at the foot of Nebulous’ soft, luxurious clouds. Three women — French, Sharon McCaman and Kaylee Davis — rise meditatively, arms outstretched… Read More

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