eMotions of Water

Why do we as a species have this innate drive to flock to bodies of water?  Oceans, lakes, waterfalls, even raindrops draw us to their surfaces.   There’s the obvious,… Read More

Nature Journaling Event

By Carlene Cobb. One of 11 events offered by the 6th Annual SunLit Literary Festival held April 1–3 and produced by Keep St. Pete Lit was Nature Journaling at Sawgrass Lake Park. The activity was co-hosted by the St. Petersburg Audubon Society and led by Nature Writer Anda Peterson. Peterson’s 18 years’ experience as a writing instructor seemed to imbue her with a magic formula to successfully motivate students to try something new — walking in the woods, then writing, and then sharing their words…. Read More

Old Dogs Learning New Tricks

Book Cover

Good Morning, All! My name is Roxanne and I am writing today to try to get the hang of this newfangled blog thing. I first watched the tutorial video and… Read More

First Day, First Impressions

After a scenic two days, with a few stops, I finally landed in Louisa, Kentucky! Hooray! The hospitality in this quaint, little town is unrivaled. I’ve been accepted with open… Read More

Well, Howdy

It has been a while since I have added to my blogs; as the show deadline loomed and weighed on my anxiety-riddled self, more and more of my limited attention… Read More

Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill

By Jake-ann Jones. freeFall Theatre has brought Ebony Repertory Theatre’s L.A. production of Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill, a play with music by Lanie Robertson, to town. Starring the luminous Karole Foreman, the play takes place in 1959, so we’re meeting the iconic songstress at the door of death (Holiday died in July of that year). The evening feels intimate – it’s just us and Foreman/Holiday, and her lone accompanist, Jimmy Powers. Played by pianist Damon Carter, who fills the theater with his deft and dexterous piano skills … Read More

Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild Member Show

By Emily Stehle. If you have an interest in fiber (in this case fabric, yarn, thread) color and manipulation techniques, you might plan a short trek to St. Peterburg Opera Company’s Mirella Cimato Gallery. Featured until the end of this month is an inspiring exhibition of work by 25 artists of the Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild…. Read More

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