Coming Out Of Seclusion

By Carol Mickett   Robert and I have stayed more or less isolated during the last months. Sure, we have Zoomed and FaceTimed often, but have stayed to ourselves as… Read More

Waiting, Pruning, Growing

By Kaitlin Murphy-Kundsen What are Your Roses and Bonsai Trees?   After my brother died, my sister found his plans for a garden he was readying for the spring. She… Read More

100 New Words About Me!

The Arts Coast magazine asked all kinds of artists to find a new and different way to talk about their work – in just 100 words. We received these wonderful… Read More


August 2021 | By Tenea D. Johnson   An artistic career demands many decisions that enable one to create before you can even get to the decisions in the creative… Read More

The Right Place and Time

August 2021 | By Don Gialanella A New York Tale   In 1979 I graduated with a BFA from The Cooper Union in New York City and was thrust into… Read More

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