The Color Red BLOG #22

The Blue Monster is still looming on my clothes rack (new use, hanging large work) and I’m already thinking of Red. Yeah, red is an active, aggressive, competitive color. It’s… Read More

Artist Critique

I’m not sure how other artists feel about this, but I crave it. Constructive criticism has catapulted my work into new realms on a regular basis. It has forced me… Read More

EMIT – 4/27/2021

EMIT – The nonprofit presenter that I founded in 1995 is EMIT. It is dedicated to the presentation of innovative and adventurous music and has presented over 500 concerts… Read More

Public Art: A Process of Inclusion

After over two decades working as a professional public artist I came to the conclusion that public art is a process of inclusion, it’s all about community development, and consensus… Read More

Why Do We Make Art?

This writing selection was part of my graduate Arts in Medicine program at the University of Florida. Humans make art because after our necessities are met, there is a need… Read More

Making Art from Anger

  I once attended a peace summit in Newark, New Jersey, in which Jody Williams, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for her campaign against land mines, shared a stage… Read More

A Piece of Advice

Many artists wish to venture into the realm of public art and it is a challenging yet noble profession. The best way to begin is to alert the public art… Read More

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