Cutting-Edge Environmental Film Festival

By Robbyn Hopewell. The Visions of Nature/Voices of Nature film festival is free and open to the public at Eckerd College – with films from around the world grappling with our relationship to the planet through cinematic-storytelling. All include community discussions … Read More

A Very Dunedin Film Festival

By Jennifer Ring. “Discussion is the heart of a film festival,” Cameron Ilan of the Dunedin International Film Festival said to the audience. “It’s about meeting the people and having conversations.” This year, discussions revolved around two subjects Dunedin holds dear — oceans and art…. Read More

Luci Westphal

Luci Westphal is an award-winning filmmaker, photographer, writer, and social artist with a focus on biophilic art to enhance people’s well-being by connecting with the outdoors through art, especially in… Read More

Sharing the Art of Nature

By Luci Westphal. The visual, biophilic, and social art project “St. Pete Moving Still” brings nature indoors – especially to those who cannot easily visit the great outdoors. I initiated this project to improve the emotional, mental and physical well-being of the residents of Westminster Suncoast Senior Living Center, connecting them to nature while stuck indoors… Read More

Queer Stories Need to be Told and Remembered

By Victor Gimenez. Entertain, Empower and Enlighten are the core words of the Tampa Bay International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival mission. The films we show entertain us. The documentaries we watch enlighten us. And attending the festival empowers us. It empowers us because attending the festival was and still is a political act meant to let others know we exist, we have stories, we matter… Read More

Florida Faces

By Don Gialanella. I have long been intrigued with Andy Warhol’s film experiments and wanted to produce a film inspired by his unique style. So, I applied for a St. Pete Art Alliance grant with the idea of creating a video that would document the people of St. Pete based on the series of short, silent, black-and-white film portraits by Andy Warhol called Screen Tests… Read More

Sunscreen Film Festival

The 17th annual Sunscreen Film Festival is eye-opening for viewers – and for Bay area filmmakers. “The workshops are one of the most popular parts of the festival,” says Tony Armer, festival founder. “Providing educational programs on a wide variety of topics like screenwriting, acting, producing, finance and distribution gives people a chance to interact with professionals, ask questions and learn about aspects of the industry that are sometimes tough to learn.” And the lineup of new films is stellar. … Read More

Creating Blendshapes

By Gabrielle Krousaniotakis Making Blendshapes, Learning Dragonfly Virtual Camera, Creating with Motion Capture and Multi-User . . . As my quest to find a full body rig with built-in blendshapes… Read More

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