Everybody Part I

Before the pandemic, I thought we needed to do this play because in our modern, highly sanitized world we were so removed from death. A lot has changed in the world since I first read this play…. Read More

Young Voices

Young Voices By: Sara Ries Dziekonski 5/15/21 Blog #24   For this post I want to say how incredibly grateful I am to encounter such amazing talent from young writers…. Read More


Colombia by Yuly Restrepo May 14, 2021 I’m flying out to Colombia tomorrow, during one of the most difficult times the country has experienced in the last ten years or… Read More

Weekend Challenge: Share Your Work

This week’s blog is for those of you who have been writing or otherwise creating privately, but you have not yet shared your work. Your creation is sitting in a drawer, the ink pressed neatly into the closed pages of a journal, or waiting in a folder on your computer. Safe from critical eyes…. Read More

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