The Portrait Project-part 1 Women’s Caucus for Art

The portrait project consists of a series of 36, 10 x 12 of paintings of women who are crucial to making our community thrive and function. It includes women in a broad spectrum of economic status and of a variety of occupations. The purpose of this project is to honor and celebrate 2020 women’s suffrage and to honor the women of St. Petersburg who are crucial to its
operation. Leadership grounded by science and elevated by art…. Read More

My solo exhibition-Relative Motion: Focused Observations

What inspired this work is interaction with the natural world, which ignites my senses and my intellect. Rhythm, pattern, and repetition color dictate my process and the direction each work will take.  I become inspired through direct observation and by immersing myself in nature. The inherent themes of permanence, impermanence, and transience become the basis of my work…. Read More

Urban Plein-Air July 5, 2020

Urban Plein-Air By Joseph Weinzettle Pleinairism is typically associated with nature – wilderness or rural settings. Hudson River School painters completed plein-air works in the natural settings of upstate New… Read More

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