Mark Stevens

Aurailieus was born in Camden, New Jersey 1983. Aurailieus found art at a young age as a way to escape the family business of drug addiction and incarceration. In high school, his ambitions to
become an artist were founded when his art teacher gave him a book about Jean Michelle Basquiat. Aurailieus began skipping school in search of exhibition opportunities in St Pete. His
first art show was in a tattoo parlor that quickly shut its doors and skipped town taking all his early paintings with them.
Since then, Aurailieus has been a major participant in St. Pete’s Art scene. He founded the weekly Wednesday night art meetups that lasted the last ten years -Now on hold due to the coronavirus, the art meets were a bolstering factor to St Pete’s creative community that promoted inclusivity, and comradery amongst the artists of our city.
With Artists Zulu Painter and Jason Bromley – Aurailieus founded The St Pete Robot Exchange, also lovingly referred to as “The Robot Show” – an annual group art show and intergalactic celebration of all things robotica that has been running for nine years. (also, on hold due to the coronavirus)

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