Why is the painting upside down?

Why is the painting upside down?


“Oh man!? It freaks me out when you do that.” That’s my mom‘s response almost every time she sees me working on a painting upside down. Personally, I find it hilarious. She doesn’t know how I work even though I’ve explained a few times why I do it. Simply put, sometimes it’s easier to paint a section with the canvas in a different position, i.e. on its side or upside down. This can allow you to make marks to construct an area the way you wish to make them just a little bit easier. It also allows you to see how well the composition of the piece is balanced. I’ve been doing it for I don’t know how long. OK, maybe I do. When I was in high school one of my art teachers saw me working out a piece and struggling to make my marks the way I wanted them. I just remember him saying why don’t you turn the canvas? I looked at him for a moment perplexed. Then he proceeded to grab the canvas and turn it upside down. He reached over grabbed my brush and made the mark that I was struggling to make. So ever since then I rotate my canvases while I work. That was the beginning of me flustering my mother every time she sees me working on the canvas upside down.

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