Considering that we are about half way through the grant period, I thought this was a good time to reflect upon the process. A lot has happened in these past five months. First, there was an overwhelming sense of excitement and delight being awarded the grant as one of ten, out of forty seven applicants. The sense of accomplishment was grand, as it was my second time applying. The application process is intense and requires effort and focus. I was proud of the improvements I made on my application the second time around. Consequently, they really paid off.

Next, came the range of emotions, and moving through many different states of mind. “What will I create? How will this unfold? How will I manage all the moving parts?” Those are some of the questions that passed through my mind. I like to know how things will go. Therefore, it has been a process of surrendering.
For example, writing a blog every week has become an organic process. At first, I wondered what I would write about each week. Now, the topics reveal themselves to me in surprising ways.
Navigating this journey, I am accompanied by Candace Knapp, my mentor. As a matter of fact, her wisdom, guidance, and encouragement has been extraordinary. Our weekly talks on FaceTime keep me grounded and on point with my process. In addition, she always seems to know just what to say. We email sometimes, as well. Candy often sends me excellent quotes, book recommendations, new ways to look at things, and more. Visit Candy’s website to see her gorgeous work and learn more about her.
Creating new work is one of the primary targets of the grant period. While, I had a pretty clear vision in my written grant proposal, new ideas have emerged. As a result, this has been a time of deep personal growth and development. Some of the themes I have been grappling with are as follows, “What do I want to say? What is important to me? How can I say that with paint, color, form, composition, etc.? How can I make my work more powerful?”

As a result, I have six new paintings in process. Departing from watercolor, the medium I use most, has been part of my evolution. Painting on canvas with Golden Acrylics is both wonderful and challenging. The themes of my new work are personal and informed by the deaths of my Dad and best friend in 2020. Thus far, I am pleased with my progress. There is still a ways to go for these six new pieces to be complete. Wish me luck over the next seven weeks.
Save the date, April 14, 2022, for the opening reception of the Emerging Artist Grantee Exhibit at Creative Pinellas! It would mean the world to me, to see you there and share the work of my heart with you!

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