ART BUSAN Was A Success

The Work I Shipped To Korea Sold! I am very happy to write that Klamp Art Gallery in South Korea sold 5 of my paintings at Art Busan last weekend…. Read More

“26” Short Film!

The best part about being in film, is getting to work with brilliant storytellers! Last fall, I helped produce the short film “26” with director, dp and writer of the… Read More

Read About: Art Trailer

Read About: Art is the pilot episode for Read About It an unscripted series created by Cultured Books that brings books to life through literary based field trips throughout Tampa… Read More

Where it all began!

I used to think an opportunity would just fall in my lap. Maybe I’d be walking around the mall, and someone would come up to me and say “Hey. Do… Read More

Now What?

Aaaahhhhhhh. Now What? All done but the, cough cough, blogs. After I turned in my final pieces for the Creative Pinellas 2022 Emerging Artist Exhibition, people kept saying, “…well, it… Read More

Animal Extinction

Animal extinction is a big problem. You would think that natural occurrences like climatic heating and changes in animals’ habitats are the problem, but we know that human activity is… Read More

A Look at Harriet Monzon-Aguirre

By Laura Kepner. Harriet Monzon-Aguirre opens the front door to her Safety Harbor home. “Come in,” she says. Her smile is authentic. Her kitchen offers the welcoming aroma of freshly-brewed coffee. “It’s not a big space,” she says, handing me a full cup. She carries her two-year-old son Thomas as she walks toward a brightly-lit back room — the Florida room. “But the sunlight – it’s perfect for painting.”… Read More

Creative Clay is Flying

By Sheila Cowley. At our second Sparks Collaborative Ensemble rehearsal for Billow, Creative Clay’s artists were flying. The performance is part of Creative Clay’s Spring for the Arts fundraiser on May 20. Billow is a short play dozens of Creative Clay’s member artists have a hand in – from painting strikingly beautiful billowing flags to moving and dancing and shouting out lines with actor Jan Neuberger, dancer Helen Hansen French and choreographer Paula Kramer.
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