Turning Art Upside Down in St. Pete

By Jennifer Ring. How do we create a piece of art that connects with viewers? The answer lies in critique. Thanks to St. Pete’s Warehouse Arts District Association, painter Carol Dameron now provides such critique sessions – aiming to raise the bar for visual art made in Pinellas County…. Read More


Regarding the Creative Pinellas Emerging Artist Grant, it feels a little funny being called an emerging artist, especially after 25 years of creating artwork and selling it to the general… Read More

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Solo dancer in front of video projection

Hello! Welcome to my blog for the 2023 Creative Pinellas Professional Artist Grant. I hope to be sharing some things about dance and my process and my projects over the… Read More

Book Banning

By Margo Hammond. Lately I’ve been experiencing Yogi Berra’s déjà vu all over again, that dreaded sense of being caught up in an endless loop like in the movie “Groundhog Day.” Except in this loop, the events that are being repeated are getting scarier and scarier…. Read More

Part 3: Art, Computers and Systems

Part 1 – Art, Computers and Systems Part 2 – Art, Computers and Systems The interplay between early computers and system theory left an indelible mark on the art world,… Read More

The Adventure of Making Art

I am in my studio this week about to begin working on a new sculpture.  Even though I am surrounded by the busy energy, dust, and noise of our shared… Read More

We Are Artists Creating

By Skyla Luckey. Drag is a theatrical art form that has existed for centuries, artist, actor and educator John Hulls says. Drag is not a crime and we are proof of that. We are simply artists creating…. Read More

Outside In

By Jennifer Ring. As development encroaches upon the Tampa Bay area’s natural beauty, plein air painter and instructor Shawn Dell Joyce hopes her work encourages local municipalities to continue preserving pocket parks – small patches of Florida wilderness…. Read More

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