Our ARTour Clearwater

By Harriet Monzon-Aguirre. My kids and I squeezed in a visit to ARTours Clearwater, a journey through downtown Clearwater’s murals with augmented reality. On our technology-dependent tour, the tech gods were not with me – but you can enjoy the art regardless…. Read More

The Wait for Inspiration

Elizabeth Barenis sits in front of a blank white canvas.

Do artists stay inspired all the time? Maybe some do. But my process resembles more of an ebb and flow. I have periods of great productivity followed by periods of… Read More

what next

Ok putting my own advice to the test… set an intention and set out to do the work.  The scrolls are a launching pad to do more, to articulate the… Read More

Dunedin to Chicago Highland Games

Last week, over 75 band members from the City of Dunedin Pipe Band traveled to Chicago, IL to compete at the largest pipe band competition in the USA.  This year,… Read More

New Novel Empowers Abused Women

By Laura Kepner. “The theme of The Island Sisters is shining a light on different ways a woman can be abused,” says author Micki Berthelot Morency. “They are not just random people, they are our daughters, our cousins, our neighbors, our acquaintances… The story is about the strength of women’s friendship.”… Read More

The Material And The Ethereal

I am beginning a  new sculpture with a beautiful 150 lb piece of Bardiglio marble. After spending months in the finishing stages of my last sculpture, I am abruptly reminded… Read More

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