Genius Loci

Hello and Welcome Back! While studying architecture at Virginia Tech I was introduced to the idea of Genius Loci or the spirit of place, a space where meaning is composed… Read More

Perseverance and Patience

Perseverance and Patience What does it take to successfully achieve goals related to your craft? Perhaps the greatest characteristic is perseverance followed closely by patience. I am a classically trained… Read More

Tools of the Trade

Hi everybody, I am often asked about the tools that use in my practice, so I will summarize the main tools and techniques in this post.   Surface For ala-prima… Read More

Seeing Through My Eyes

Seeing Through My Eyes   In my last blog I wrote about the Three Graces and their inspiring mythological presence influencing the sculptures that I am creating for Creative Pinellas… Read More

Love, Unity and Enlightenment

Love, Unity and Enlightenment In June, 2018, I joined a new 501(c)3 nonprofit organization called RaceWithoutIsm, Inc as the Official Spokesperson. RaceWithoutIsm (RWI) was formed to address social ills, specifically… Read More

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