
Hi everybody, Finding models for a composition is always a challenge. A lot of people prefer to use photographs. One of the issue with photographs is that the light is… Read More

Javier T. Dones: “The Tower’s” progress…. Read More

Heads up!

Hours of operation heads up! Message via Gallery 221 at HCC: “Attention! The library at the HCC Dale Mabry Campus is closed, but Gallery 221 and the two exhibitions on… Read More

Two shows from 2018

Hello and Welcome Back! I thought this week I would share two really exciting shows I was in last year: The Florida Biennial, The Art and Culture Center, Hollywood, FL… Read More

Entry 06 – Rediscover!

ENTRY 06 – Rediscover!   Biomorphism. What is it? When did it start? What are some examples? Artists? Pieces? How do I incorporate it? How does my work relate to… Read More


I’m continuing to develop my pieces for the Emerging Artist Exhibition – our deadline is looming and as a digital artist, I’ve got to get my assets to print ASAP in order to get the work back and prep it for the gallery…. Read More

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