Back to Work

Back to work this week. I’ve had a nice break and made good progress on non-writing goals, but my list of things to do is filling fast and deadlines are… Read More


March 2021 | By Emily Stehle 12 Hearts and Minds Working Together – a Collaboration and Installation . . . Did I tell you about a collaboration and installation I… Read More

Healthy Obsession

April 2021 | By Nikki Devereux   I’ve been pondering the question, “what is a healthy amount of obsession?” My mind tends to be overactive at night (and sometimes during… Read More

The Opening

Emerging Artists Paint a Vivid Picture of the 2021 Emerging Artists Exhibition When I walked into the Creative Pinellas Gallery on Wednesday, July 14 for the opening of the 2021… Read More

From Solitude to Togetherness

Emerging Artists Paint a Vivid Picture of the 2021 Emerging Artists Exhibition Writing has always been a solitary pursuit for me. I’m an only child of much older parents and… Read More

  Lately I’ve been reading about trains. I’m delighted to… Read More

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