My Maine

Port Clyde, MaineIt is not often that I take time for rest. As an artist, I enjoy the work that I do, so it does not feel like “work.” That being said, I often excuse myself from taking a break. However, after a recent dance injury, my trip to St. George, a small, isolated port town in Maine, came at just the right time. Not only did this trip force me to rest my injury, but it also allowed me to turn my brain off from the to-do’s, disconnect from the online world, enjoy friends and be with nature – one of my favorite resources for rejuvenating creativity.

I enjoyed walks along the Maine coast, stargazing at night, reconnecting with a close friend, and meeting some great Maine people.

I found myself envious of the locals who seemed to live such a simple life, removed from the bustle of the city. It reminded me of the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson –  “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” It is easy for me to get caught up in the things I want to accomplish – always “doing” and not slowing down to appreciate the journey. These observations are nothing new, right? We all know that we need to ensure that we find time for ourselves in order to take care of our mental and physical health. We all just need a reminder sometimes. Be sure to take the time to experience “your Maine.”

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