In the Wake of the Coronavirus
Within a week, so much has changed due to the spread of the Coronavirus. This has had a big economic effect on many different areas of society, the arts included. Since last Thursday, I found out that two of my upcoming outdoor art shows were cancelled. I am disappointed but fortunate that I do not rely on these shows for my primary income. However, many artists do depend on these shows to make a living, and I hope they get the help they need during this time.
The Dunedin Fine Arts Center has been temporarily closed to the public. I was not teaching my figure drawing class at the time due to my outdoor shows, but I’m anticipating some of my future classes being cancelled. I also won’t be able to return to the open studio that I monitor for awhile, so I’ve had to cancel models that I had scheduled. Other open studios in the area have also been cancelled. As a result, I plan to work more out of my parents’ garage, hiring private models. I’m also thinking about the possibility of teaching art online, as the Dunedin Fine Art Center has encouraged.
Regarding work, I will be working less hours and my husband will be taking a pay cut as a result of the Coronavirus. This is obviously not ideal, but something we can overcome. I’m looking on the bright side and thinking about how I can use the extra time to get more art done. Earlier this week, I started a piece for a contest held by the Florence Academy of Art. The theme, “View From Your Room” encourages people to make art from their homes. I am doing this drawing primarily from life and am happy with my progress so far.

14″ x 18″ charcoal and chalk on gray Rives BFK paper
If you’d like to enter the contest, visit florenceacademyofart on Instagram for entry details. Also, check out some of their posts while you are there. Their students and faculty make stunning artwork.