Well that went quickly. Already it’s time for the last blog post. The last 5 months have been packed with events both personal and professional. I’ve appreciated the opportunity to share some of it via this blog.
Before I go off into the grantee sunset, a word of caution and advice. For those who may be thinking of applying: I almost didn’t apply to this grant. I think I submitted the application on the last day and didn’t think much about it after I did. Applying to opportunities I think are interesting and/or valuable has become a habit. Sometimes I think I have an excellent shot; sometimes I think I have no shot. But say it with me: the only way I’d have no shot is if I didn’t try at all. My point is, don’t assume. Do it anyway. Do it to the best of your ability. Your ability will most likely improve with time. If it doesn’t work out and you still think it’s worth your time, apply any lessons and do it again.
So is this another of the endless don’t-give-up author entries? Perhaps, but here’s the thing: some things, you should give up or not even do the first time. Just know what they are.
Do what you really wish and make it your business to do it well. That’s it.
Submit to agents and publishers countless times for years until you get the response you want? If that’s what you want and you’re doing your best, absolutely.
But I have to tell you that’s not what I did. Because it doesn’t align with my definition of success. You figure out what yours is. Then get after it.
Maybe your it and mine will meet sometime. I’ll see you out there.