Embracing Our Differences

By Sarah Wertheimer. Embracing Our Differences shares billboard-sized visual art with positive messages reminding us that we can create a vibrant community that is safe and inclusive for all… Read More

Plein Air and Why We Love It!

By Shawn Dell Joyce. Plein air painting builds community. There are many beautiful places to paint in Pinellas, but a favorite of many plein air artists is Brooker Creek Preserve in Tarpon Springs, hosting their annual plein air event Feb 23-24…. Read More

Writing in Paradise

By Ashlyn Fransen. Writers in Paradise at Eckerd College is widely renowned in the literary community. Visiting author Luis Alberto Urrea said, “There’s a palpable love in this space that you don’t find at other conferences.”… Read More

Carole Rosefelt’s Bold Abstracts

By Carole Shelton. Carole Rosefelt has been a visual artist for over 70 years. The current exhibition at St Pete ArtWorks is a slice from her artistic life – large contemporary canvases that explore geometric composition with a touch of nature… Read More

The Science of Music

By Kurt Loft. “We’re translating trends of scientific data for the human ear,’’ says Heather O’Leary, a USF anthropologist who spearheads a project that’s creating music from marine science data. … Read More

Journeys in Journalism

By Margo Hammond. Cynda Mort was convinced that the best values of journalism could help young people acquire important life skills – how to interact with others, how to ask probing questions, how to learn to listen. And, most importantly, how to speak truth to power…. Read More

Love in the Arts

By Nicole Hays. A.J. Vaughan and I are both full-time entertainers living in St. Pete. Creating art is integral to who we are as people, and we are incredibly lucky to be able to make a living doing it…. Read More

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