Terza Rima Anyone?

No, it’s not a fancy new cocktail or even a rich, continental dessert. Terza rima is a verse form. We associate its development with Dante writing the Divine Comedy in… Read More

Florida Man: Poems in the Courtyard

On Tuesday, March 12th, I launched Florida Man: Poems, Revisited (Burrow Press) with Chad Mize and Gloria Muñoz at Tombolo Books. The bookstore set up its glorious courtyard for the… Read More

From Poetry Prints to Greeting Cards

At the book launch Q&A for Florida Man: Poems, Revisited, Gloria Muñoz asked Chad Mize and me about our multiple artistic pursuits. Chad creates work from murals to merch, and,… Read More

Overcoming Challenges

There are a gazillion platitudes out there about how to stay positive, rise above the noise and push on to ultimate victory. It’s at your fingertips, they say. It’s all… Read More

Motherhood and the Pursuit of Self

    So far I’ve briefly mentioned three chapters in my past; beginnings in Barbados, education in different states, and cultural studies in Newcastle upon Tyne. After these sojourns I… Read More

Completing the Third and Last Painting

First, I have to say that I’ve learned a valuable lesson regarding the subject of stress. For the past several weeks, I’ve been thoroughly stressed out about completing the third… Read More

Florida Man: Poems on TV

In my family, Fox 13’s Linda Hurtado is iconic, so I was beyond honored to be a guest on her segment “Tampa Bay Reads.” The week before the release of… Read More

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